Jun 24, 2020
EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Evading a missile sent after them by the Cyborgs they have just escaped, the Robinsons crash-land on another planet. Smith, Will and the Robot are captured by an alien, Tiabo, and taken prisoner. Tiabo tells them that an army of thousands is mobilizing against them. When he leaves, allegedly to report to his superiors, they escape and go back to warn the others. Smith, who has been drinking copiously from a small keg, discovers that the liquid contained a high explosive. He has become a walking bomb. Will returns to Tiabo to plead for and antidote and discovers that the Alien’s story was invented to frighten them away. He is the only inhabitant of the planet. Will assures him that they are leaving shortly and returns with the antidote just in time to save Smith from being detonated by the Robot to save the rest of the expedition
PRODUCTION OVERVIEW-Writer: Barney Slater, Director: Don Richardson, Producer: William D. Faralla, Executive Producer: Irwin Allen.
Film dates: 20-27 JUL 1966 (6 days), Air date: Wednesday October 5, 1966 (May 24, 1967)
PODCAST SYNOPSIS: Intro-Welcome, Production Notes, Show review, Next Week Preview, Outro. This podcast was recorded on 05/10/2020
LINKS: http://lostinspaceforum.proboards.com/thread/947/forbidden-world